It Wasn’t an Accident: The Tribal Sovereign Immunity Story
By William Wood | 62 Am. U. L. Rev. 1587 (2013) In its latest pronouncement on the subject, the Supreme…
COMMENT: Going for Gold: The Meaning of “Commercial Activity” in the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act in the Race for Buried Treasure in Sunken Shipwreck
By Zhen Song | 62 Am. U. L. Rev. 1771 (2013) The theory of absolute sovereign immunity once provided…
COMMENT: Slaying the Jurisprudential Beast: Virginia’s Flawed Multi-Factor Approach to Differentiating “Ordinary Building Materials” from “Equipment” and “Machinery” Under Code § 8.01-250
By Meredith Renegar | 62 Am. U. L. Rev. 1737 (2013) Virginia Code section 8.01-250 voids all claims against…
Inequitable Conduct in Retrospective: Understanding Unclean Hands in Patent Remedies
By T. Leigh Anennson & Gideon Mark | 62 Am. U. L. Rev. 1441 (2013) There are critical challenges…
COMMENT: How Many is “Any”?: Interpreting § 2252A’s Unit of Prosecution for Child Pornography Possession
By Christina M. Copsey | 62 Am. U. L. Rev. 1675 (2013) Individuals convicted for possession of child pornography…
Rebalancing Public and Private in the Law of Mortgage Transfer
By John Patrick Hunt, Richard Stanton, & Nancy Wallace | 62 Am. U. L. Rev. 1529 (2013) The law…