The Authors’ Petition
73 Am. U. L. Rev. F. 231 (2024).
Artificial Intelligence is Like a Perpetual Stew
73 Am. U. L. Rev. 1535 (2024).
Doing Justice: Judging and Jewish Values
69 Am. U. L. Rev. 615 (2019).
The Demise of Drug Design Litigation: Death by Federal Preemption
68 Am. U. L. Rev. 281 (2018).
The Federal Circuit’s Acquiescence(?)
By Timothy R. Holbrook
Moral Judgments in Trademark Law
By Ned Snow
NFC Technology LLC v. HTC America, Inc.: Judge Bryson’s Sitting-By-Designation Guide to Securing Stays in Light of Inter Partes Reviews
65 Am. U. L. Rev. 1075 (2016) *Chief Patent Counsel, Unified Patents Inc. Mr. Stroud was previously with…
The Court and the Cannonball: An Inside Look
65 Am. U. L. Rev. 607 (2016) *Adjunct Professor of Law, Georgetown University Law Center; Partner, Levine…