Recent Developments

Interested in pop culture and the law? Join us on February 7, 2025, to discuss how sports, media and entertainment, fashion, and social media interact with the law at the American University Law Review's 2025 Spring Symposium.

Recent Articles

On the Appeal of Drug Patent Challenges

72 Am. U. L. Rev. 1177 (2023).

By Charles Duan*

Raising the Threshold for Trademark Infringement to Protect Free Expression

72 Am. U. L. Rev. 1225 (2023).

By Christine Haight Farley* and Lisa P. Ramsey**

Patent-Infringement Suits and the Right to a Jury Trial

72 Am. U. L. Rev. 1293 (2023).

By H. Tomás Gómez-Arostegui* & Sean Bottomley**

It Takes Two to Incorporate: The Role of Patent Co-Ownership in Inventor Choice of Business Form

72 Am. U. L. Rev. 1365 (2023).

By Shawn P. Miller*

Presumptive Use of Pretrial Risk Assessment Instruments

72 Am. U. L. Rev. F. 133 (2023).

By Christopher Slobogin*

Letter from the Editor

72 Am. U L. Rev. (2022).

By Shahnoor Kamal Khan

Caremark’s Butterfly Effect

72 Am. U. L. Rev. 719 (2023).

By Angela N. Aneiros* and Karen E. Woody**

The War in Ukraine and the Legitimacy of the International Criminal Court

72 Am. U. L. Rev. 779 (2023).

By Yvonne Dutton* and Milena Sterio**

Data Property

72 Am. U. L. Rev. 829 (2023).

By James Grimmelmann* & Christina Mulligan**

The Rise of the ‘Immigrant-as-Injury’ Theory of State Standing

72 Am. U. L. Rev. 885 (2023).

By Jennifer Lee Koh*