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Interested in pop culture and the law? Join us on February 7, 2025, to discuss how sports, media and entertainment, fashion, and social media interact with the law at the American University Law Review's 2025 Spring Symposium.

Recent Articles

2008 International Trade Decisions of the Federal Circuit

By Jarrod M. GoldfederClick here to view this Area Summary

By amunlawreview

2008 Government Contract Law Decisions of the Federal Circuit

By Sheryl L. Floyd, William M. Jack, Heather Kilgore Weiner, Deanna M. Remmes Click here to view…

By amunlawreview

2008 Trademark Decisions of the Federal Circuit

By David M. Kelly, Stephanie H. Bald Click here to view this Area Summary

By amunlawreview

Intolerable Situations and Counsel for Children: Following Switzerland’s Example in Hague Abduction Cases

By Merle H. Weiner Click here to view this Article

By amunlawreview

COMMENT: Guarantors of Our Genes: Are Egg Donors Liable For Latent Genetic Disease?

By Suriya E.P. Jayanti Click here to view this Comment

By amunlawreview

COMMENT: Fade to Black: The Formalization of Jackson’s {{Youngstown}} Taxonomy by {{Hamdan}} and {{Medellín}}

By Michael J. Turner Click here to view this Comment

By amunlawreview

Candor, Zeal, and the Substitution of Judgment: Ethics and the Mentally Ill Criminal Defendant

By John D. King Click here to view this Article

By amunlawreview

COMMENT: Contemplating “Cruel and Unusual”: A Critical Analysis of {{Baze v. Rees}} in the Context of the Supreme Court’s Eighth Amendment “Proportionality” Jurisprudence

By Katie Roth Heilman Click here to view this Comment

By amunlawreview

COMMENT: Mercury Rising: The Omnibus Autism Proceeding and What Families Should Know Before Rushing out of Vaccine Court

By Gordon Shemin Click here to view this Comment

By amunlawreview

Federal Tails and State Puppy Dogs: Preempting Parallel State Wage Claims to Preserve the Integrity of Federal Group Wage Actions

By Rachel K. Alexander Click here to view this Article

By amunlawreview