Standing on Immigrant Subordination
72 Am. U. L. Rev. F. 147 (2023).
Presumptive Use of Pretrial Risk Assessment Instruments
72 Am. U. L. Rev. F. 133 (2023).
Inherently Coercive Entry: ICE’s Use of Unconstitutional Ruses
72 Am. U. L. Rev. F. 59 (2022).
Response to Wasserman And Rhodes: The Texas S.B. 8 Litigation and “Our Formalism”
72 Am. U. L. Rev. F. 1 (2022).
In Controversy: The Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act Federal Jurisdiction Requirements and Why the 9th Circuit Is Right that Reasonable Attorneys’ Fees Should Count Towards the Amount in Controversy
72 Am. U. L. Rev. F. 157 (2023).