Using Data Exclusivity Grants to Incentivize Cumulative Innovation of Biologics’ Manufacturing Processes

By Eric Lawrence Levi

By Eric Lawrence Levi*

Cloudy with a Chance of Abused Privacy Rights: Modifying Third-Party Fourth Amendment Standing Doctrine Post-Spokeo

By Sarah E. Pugh

By Sarah E. Pugh*

Fair for Whom? Why Debt-Collection Lawsuits in St. Louis Violate the Procedural Due Process Rights of Low-Income Communities

66 Am. U. L. Rev. 479 (2016).

By Aimee Constantineau*

The New FISA Court Amicus Should Be Able to Ignore Its Congressionally Imposed Duty

66 Am. U. L. Rev. 539 (2016).

By Ben Cook*

Building Bridges: Why Expanding Optional Practical Training Is a Valid Exercise of Agency Authority and How It Helps F-1 Students Transition to H-1B Worker Status

66 Am. U. L. Rev. 593 (2016).

By Pia Nitzschke*

The Battle over U.S. Water: Why the Clean Water Rule “Flows” Within the Bounds of Supreme Court Precedent

By Ashleigh Allione

By Ashleigh Allione*

Make-Whole or Make-Short? How Courts Have Misread Title VII’s Limitations Period to Truncate Relief in EEOC Pattern-Or-Practice Cases

By Sara A. Fairchild

By Sara A. Fairchild*

Big Pharma Monopoly: Why Consumers Keep Landing on “Park Place” and How the Game Is Rigged

By Mark S. Levy

By Mark S. Levy*

Walker v. Texas Division, Sons Of Confederate Veterans, Inc. and License Plate Speech: A Dangerous Roadblock for the First Amendment

65 Am. U. L. Rev. 1461 (2016) *Note & Comment Editor, American University Law Review, Volume 66; J.D….

By Morgan E. Creamer*

Is That a Kielbasa in Your Pocket? Applying a Hybrid Standard to the Federal Bank Robbery Act when Bank Robbers Wield Objects as Weapons During a Bank Robbery

65 Am. U. L. Rev. 1497 (2016) *Senior Staff Member, American University Law Review, Volume 66; J.D….

By Cory A. Hutchens*