Recent Developments

Interested in pop culture and the law? Join us on February 7, 2025, to discuss how sports, media and entertainment, fashion, and social media interact with the law at the American University Law Review's 2025 Spring Symposium.

Recent Articles

Always at the Margin: Inequitable Conduct in Flux

By The Honorable Randall R. RaderClick here to view this Article

By amunlawreview

Redistricting and Discriminatory Purpose

By Michael J. Pitts Click here to view this Article

By amunlawreview

Countering Persistent Contemporary Sea Piracy: Expanding Jurisdictional Regimes

By Joseph M. Isanga Click here to view this Article

By amunlawreview

What the Federal Circuit Can Learn from the Supreme Court—And Vice Versa

By Rochelle Cooper Dreyfuss Click here to view this Article

By amunlawreview

The Curious Case of Directors’ and Officers’ Liability for Supervision and Management: Exploring the Intersection of Corporate and Tort Law

By Martin Petrin Click here to view this Article

By amunlawreview

2009 Patent Law Decisions of the Federal Circuit

By Donald R. Dunner, Bryan C. Diner, Esther H. Lim, Troy E. Grabow, Tim E. Hulse &…

By amunlawreview

How Piracy Has Shaped the Relationship Between American Law and International Law

By Joel H. Samuels Click here to view this Article

By amunlawreview

Rationality, Pirates, and the Law: A Retrospective

By Peter T. Leeson Click here to view this Article

By amunlawreview

2009 Government Contract Law Decisions of the Federal Circuit

By Daniel P. Graham, Jon Burd, Tracye Winfrey Howard, Brian Walsh & W. Barron A. Avery Click…

By amunlawreview

COMMENT: Expanding the Scope of the Good-Faith Exception to the Exclusionary Rule to Include a Law Enforcement Officer’s Reasonable Reliance on Well-Settled Case Law That is Subsequently Overruled

By Ross M. Oklewicz Click here to view this Comment

By amunlawreview