Recent Developments

Interested in pop culture and the law? Join us on February 7, 2025, to discuss how sports, media and entertainment, fashion, and social media interact with the law at the American University Law Review's 2025 Spring Symposium.

Recent Articles

The Misuse of the Less Restrictive Alternative Inquiry in Rule of Reason Analysis

By Gabriel A. FeldmanClick here to view this Article

By amunlawreview

COMMENT: Disparity in Copyright Protection: Focus on the Finished Image Ignores the Art in the Details

By Karen D. Williams Click here to view this Comment

By amunlawreview

The Somali Piracy Problem: A Global Puzzle Necessitating a Global Solution

By Milena Sterio Click here to view this Article

By amunlawreview

Mugged Twice? Payment of Ransom on the High Sea

By Lawrence Rutkowski, Bruce G. Paulsen, Jonathan D. Stoian Click here to view this Article

By amunlawreview

COMMENT: To Abstain or Not to Abstain? A New Framework for Application of the Abstention Doctrine in International Parallel Proceedings

By Jocelyn H. Bush Click here to view this Comment

By amunlawreview

Salvage Awards on the Somali Coast: Who Pays for Public and Private Rescue Efforts in Piracy Crises?

By Geoffrey Christopher Rapp Click here to view this Article

By amunlawreview

Tax Shelter Malpractice Cases and Their Implications for Tax Compliance

By Jay A. Soled Click here to view this Article

By amunlawreview

Fighting Piracy with Private Security Measures: When Contract Law Should Tell Parties to Walk the Plank

By Jennifer S. Martin Click here to view this Article

By amunlawreview

The Supreme Court’s Increased Attention to the Law of Lawyering: Mere Coincidence or Something More?

By Renee Newman Knake Click here to view this Article

By amunlawreview

The Use of Force, Freedom of Commerce, and Double Standards in Prosecuting Pirates in Kenya

By James Thuo Gathii Click here to view this Article

By amunlawreview